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All of our bookings are made online via our website. Simply head to our Home Page, and click schedule now. If you have special requests you can add these into the preference sections and your Zink team member will listen. If you want a regular booking, indicate that in the notes section and we can setup your booking as a recurring booking with reminders each week for pickup.

You will get a text when your Zink driver is on their way with a link to track their location. You are welcome to leave your laundry at the door if you feel it is safe to do so.

Normally your laundry will be returned the following day within 24 hours. This may vary if you have a considerably large load, or dry cleaning alterations.

Your washing service will be folded and returned in our sustainable bags. For our customers who sign up for recurring weekly/monthly bookings we provide laundry bags for free.

Pricing is really simple. We charge $1.99 per lb and pick up & delivery is free. Your card won’t be charged until your laundry is cleaned, folded and weighed. You can weigh the items if you have a scale at home by weighing yourself holding your laundry and again just yourself. 

Great! Just indicate frequency you would like in the notes section and we can turn your booking into a recurring booking.